Connections Don’t Build Things
This is a rebuttal to the oft-repeated notion that it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.
I’m going to make the somewhat scandalous point that no, it is in fact what you know. Connections are great. But they’re worthless without certain prerequisites in the skill department.
I’m going to journey through some cliches to prove my case. Sure, it can be argued that if Mark Zuckerberg hadn’t met Sean Parker or managed to get initial seed funding from Peter Thiel Facebook may never have become the behemoth it is today, but the fact of the matter is if Mark Zuckerberg hadn’t been able to build Facebook, it definitely wouldn’t be what it is today.
There are thousands of people who have met Sean Parker and Peter Thiel and none of them managed to build Facebook.
Taking another pithy statement that opportunity is the intersection of serendipity and preparation, we can make this point a...